Where finances are tight consider changing the time of day and the type of meal. People won't be expecting to get quite so much food for a wedding brunch or lunch as they would for an evening meal.
You can do your own catering if you've got the time and people with the ability to prepare good food that you can trust to be reliable and come through when needed.
You can also spend varying amounts of money on employing caterers who are accustomed to servicing weddings.
Wedding catering is big business these days and there is a lot of competition in the market, so you have a lot of choices to suit most budgets.
The first step is to do some calling around just to get an idea of the estimates for the number of guests that you have attending.
Often reception houses will have their own caterers or recommended caterers that they use and can be relied on.
This can be an easier solution and more often than not the best solution both financially and for the quality of the food as they will be familiar with preparing and displaying the food in familiar surroundings.
Talk to the places that you are considering having your reception and see what sort of package they can come up with for the venue and the caterers combined.
By having a theme wedding this will often dictate the type of food that you will be having and that can determine whether it will be expensive will not.
A theme wedding might also dictate your choice of caterers and might reduce your available alternatives. This can often push up the price and will need to be taken into consideration.
The Knot Wedding Shop has the perfect products to make your wedding reception truly unique.
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