Sunday, August 30, 2015

Bohemian Mountaintop Wedding Inspiration

Mountaintop Moon Inspiration
You know the saying “It takes a village”? That definitely came to mind when we heard about this shoot conceptualized and styled by Rebecca of Finders Keepers. The team (including Laura GoldenbergerClementine FloralsLaura Stewart Design + more) hiked to the scenic, but pret-ty inaccessible, location with a 10 foot farm table, chairs, ladders + cases of china in tow. But it was all well worth it, because what they created atop a small Topanga Canyon mountain really was pure magic.
Rue de Seine DressMoon BackdropMoon BackdropMountaintop Moon InspirationMountaintop Moon InspirationMountaintop Moon InspirationMountaintop Moon InspirationMountaintop Moon InspirationMountaintop Moon InspirationRue de Seine DressMountaintop Moon Inspirationdreamcatcher seating chartdreamcatcher seating chartMoon Inspiration InspirationMoon Inspiration Inspirationblue tablescapeblue gobletsblue ribbon backdropMoon Inspiration InspirationMoon Inspiration InspirationMoon Inspiration InspirationMoon Inspiration Inspirationgold top cakeMountaintop Moon InspirationMountaintop Moon InspirationMountaintop Moon Inspiration


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