Wednesday, August 20, 2014

6 Creative Ways to Serve Drinks During Cocktail Hour

A surefire way to entertain guests while you take wedding photos is by hosting a cocktail hour. Serve up anything from craft beer to mimosas or, more simply, lemonade and sodas to refresh your guests pre-reception. Here, six ways to get creative with the presentation, from a rustic bar cart to a make-your-own drink station!
A Lemonade Stand
Serve up classic lemonade or add a specialty flavor (give or take the vodka) for a spin on a favorite childhood pastime.
A Rolling Bar Cart
Fill a rolling cart with drinks, then have the bartender make rounds. Guests will love that the drinks come to them!
An Ice Bar and Luge
For a luxe wedding, go all-out with a bar made of ice! Or opt for a custom ice luge, which guests will have a blast pouring drinks through.
A Make-Your-Own Mimosa Bar
Let guests pick their favorite juice and fruit garnish for their personalized mimosa. This one is also a great option for your bridal shower, getting ready on the wedding day or the day-after brunch.
Bottled Beer In A Boat
If you’re having a nautical or lakeside wedding, fill a canoe or rowboat with ice and offer guests to bottled brews and sodas.
Kegs in Rustic Barrels
For beer-loving guests, a cold one somehow tastes better when it comes from a cool, rustic-looking keg.


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